"Oil" - A painting of the project "Pollution"
The torqouise fluid you see on this painting is a representation of oil. Oil that the bird has been drinking/eating for years and years and that she is now releasing onto humanity.
Every year upto 4.9 million liters (or 1.3 million gallons) of oil get released into the sea.
"Plastic" - A painting of the project "Pollution"
You can see a woman who is about to get eaten by a shark, a shark who is fallen apart and who has a lot of plastic in him.
Underneath the lady, is her stomach, which also has plastic in it.
Next to her (on the bottom left ) you can see the sea that has also, you guessed it, plastic in it.
Plastic is anywhere and everywhere, It's on the bottom of the deepest oceans, it's in most fish, it's in our stomachs and in nature. It takes over 450 years to decompose.

''Mouth mask"
This painting shows how people in the future will not only have to wear a mask against viruses but also against polluted air. The mask she is wearing has plants inside of it that filter the air that enters the mask. That way she is able to breath.